Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One of the crappiest days ever!

Picture 1: Charlie man decided he was an art project and colored every available space with black marker; I got what I could off, but there are still dark shadows, so he just looks like a dirty kid that has a mother that doesn't care about him. Picture 2: Cameron and his boot.
I think that if I could just skip over Monday, August 11th I would have. First thing that morning, we were at the gym and Aaron hurt his back. He came home to "sleep it off" but the pain only got worse, so we headed to the doctor. He tore muscles in his back and we aren't sure if he will be healed soon enough to do his triathlon. He couldn't do anything by himself - walk, move in bed, go to the bathroom - so I was trying to get our house out of disaster mode from the weekend and play nursemaid and mother. We did pretty well until about 6:30 p.m. when Charlie came to me to show me how 'pretty' he was. Aaron said to take pictures because after I calmed down and got the floors, walls, & child clean; I would think it was funny and would want pictures. I finished up dinner while Char was the bath. I got the kid's their food and then sent them outside with Popsicles so that I could have 2 minutes of peace while I ate my dinner and gave Aaron his - in bed of course. Well, it was not to be; within 2 minutes there was insane screaming outside. When I went to check, Aleah told me that Cam had jumped out of the back of Aaron's old pick-up and hurt his foot. Meanwhile, Cam was yelling like there should be blood everywhere and bones sticking out. I could see no swelling or bruising, so I thought a warm bath would help him relax and take some of the pain away; I thought he had just hit his foot hard and it hurt. But by 7:45 p.m., when he hadn't stopped screaming and I could tell his foot had some swelling, we decided it was time for the UrgentCare. Aaron insisted on going with me. Even though with his back pain he was not going to be a lot of help, he said Cam 'needed' him. So, we called Clay and Jessie to come get the other two because there was no way I could deal with 2 invalids and 2 others that would be little help all at the UrgentCare. Sure enough, Cam broke 3 bones on the top of his foot. They wrapped it up, put him in a boot, and said to stay off of it for a week and stay in the boot for 4 weeks. We have 2 weeks of Summer left! How am I suppose to keep this kid still? Yesterday was interesting with Aaron upstairs in our bedroom watching the Olympics and Cam downstairs watching cartoons. Both were bored out of their minds and calling for me every 5 seconds - "something to eat", "ice please", "need to go to the bathroom". I must have carried Cam up and down the stairs at least 12 times because he can have no pressure on his foot for atleast 2 days - and a 50+ eight-year-old is no easy task. I would ask that you all pray that my sanity make it through the week.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I am glad you have been there to take care of me.

Anonymous said...

Isn't motherhood grand????? You sound like you need to hire help!

Anonymous said...

Yeah girl - Welcome to motherhood! poor girl - events like that usually get spread out! Bless your heart. Good thing you are in shape!! Hope Cam gets feeling better and Aaron too. What a day for you! But you will laugh one day I promise!! Hee Hee!!

Sum & Ben said...

Hey... its Summer!! i found you through Charity!! I am so glad that you are a blogger too!! I am so sad that I missed the girls night out, you all look so great, and it looks like so much fun!! I love reading about your crazy day, because I feel like I have those all of the time!! We need to catch up soon... but for the time being, I will just have to blog stalk you!!
loves... Summer

Allred Family said...

Candaaccee!! It was so wonderful to hear from you. I am glad you are friends with Charity and that you are working together. You guys are both awesome people. I can't believe how big Aleah and Cameron are and now you even added another one! Congratulations! It sounds like motherhood gives you a run for you money. I am sorry to hear about your troubles. You must be exhausted. Thanks for your beautiful remarks on my site. It was so great to hear from you. Keep in touch.