Thursday, July 23, 2009

*************Raging Waters***********

We got Raging Waters Passes this year and the kids have had so much fun - and we always have lots of friends that want to join us.

Aleah & Brandon

Jade & Brianna

Everyone at the Wave Pool.

Cameron loves the water - and, no, at 7 he really doesn't need a life vest, but I make him wear it in the wave pool because that water can get scary.

Charlie played hard for 7 hours and then fell asleep a 1/2 hour before we were leaving.


Anonymous said...

Super cute pics girlie! Can't believe how cute your kids are and you are so in SHAPE! Ugghhh help me -I am so not! So where did you 'work all day?' I thought you were done at Modus?

Traci Northrup said...

How sweet does Charlie look...

Anonymous said...

So whats up? Where are you? Update chickie!